Tuesday, 17 April 2012

a little bit of fashion brands!

So I'm just waiting for the girls to finish placement or teaching their lessons in my room. I have just got back from a Fashion Brand recognition class where I was advising students on the tasks set for next week. They have been asked to create a photograph influenced by a designer of their choice, the students all seem to know a few of the very mainstream designers such as 'Versace' 'Dior' 'Vivienne Westwood' etc, and along with Burberry these were the brands they picked to follow. Each had brought some photos or items of clothing that could resemble the designer and I had to find other images on my laptop to demonstrate what they could match together to create an outfit or 'look' with poses as well. 

When everyone had shown me their research luckily I had a powerpoint presentation on 'Mulberry' and 'Stella McCartney' saved on my laptop. I want to show them new brands that they haven't heard of before and broaden there knowledge of designers as they haven't heard of many. After I showed them a few of my favourite designers on style.com and they showed me some images of a 'qipao dress' (a traditional chinese dress).

Fiona who had been translating to the students throughout the lesson had told me its very good I use my 'Initiative'. She had to translate this on her phone, and she also said I work much harder than her students do, and can work things out for myself when they would have to be told to do something. I think these are lovely things to say... I could get used to this!!!

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